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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Priority lending to Training centres & consultancy services registered as Micro or Small enterprise – RBI instructs banks

Priority Sector Lending – Categorisation of activities under service under the Micro Small & Medium Enterprises Development (MSMED) Act, 2006

(i) Agriculture (Direct and Indirect finance)
(ii) Small Enterprises (Direct and Indirect Finance)
(iii) Retail Trade
(iv) Micro Credit
(v) Education loans
(vi) Housing loans

Understand about MSMED from

It has been decided to include loans granted by banks in respect of following activities under Micro and Small (Service) Enterprises within the priority sector, provided such enterprises satisfy the definition of Micro and Small (Service) Enterprises in respect of investment in equipment (original cost excluding land and building and furniture, fittings and other items not directly related to the service rendered or as may be notified under the MSMED Act, 2006) (i.e. not exceeding Rs. 10 lakh and Rs. 2 crore respectively).

  1. Consultancy Services including Management Services;
  2. Composite Broker Services in Risk and Insurance Management;
  3. Third Party Administration (TPA) Services for Medical Insurance Claims of Policy Holders;
  4. Seed Grading Services;
  5. Training-cum-Incubator Centre;
  6. Educational Institutions;
  7. Training Institutes;
  8. Retail Trade;
  9. Practice of Law, i.e. legal services;
  10. Trading in medical instruments (brand new);
  11. Placement and Management Consultancy Services; and
  12. Advertising agency and Training centres

Accordingly, there will be no separate category for "Retail Trade" under priority sector. Loans granted by banks for Retail Trade [i.e. advances granted to retail traders dealing in essential commodities (fair price shops), consumer co-operative stores; and advances granted to private retail traders with credit limits not exceeding Rs. 20 lakh) would henceforth be part of the Small (Service) Enterprises.

The commercial banks may report such loans under the head "Total credit to Small Enterprises" in the half-yearly (Ad-hoc) [under 2 (a) and 2 (ii)] and yearly (final) [under 14, 15, 19, 20 and 21] return on priority sector advances.

For All Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks (read this circular UBD.CO.BPD(PCB) Cir.No.50/09.09.001/2009-10 dated March  25, 2010)

Source: RBI/2009-10/164 RPCD.CO.Plan.BC. 24 /04.09.01/2009-10 dated 18th September 2009

FEM (Deposit) (Amendment) Regulations, 2009 permits transfer of funds from rupee account of diplomatic mission in India which are collected as Visa fees

Foreign Exchange management (Deposit) (Amendment) Regulations, 2009

In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (f) of sub section (3) of section 6 and sub section (2) of section 47 of the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 (42 of 1999), the Reserve Bank of India makes the following amendments in the Foreign Exchange Management (Deposit) Regulations, 2000 (Notification No.FEMA.5/2000-RB dated May 3, 2000) namely : -
Amendment of the Regulations: -
In the Foreign Exchange Management (Deposit) Regulations, 2000 (Notification No.FEMA.5/2000-RB dated May 3, 2000), Regulation 4, in sub-regulation (3), for clause (a), the following shall be substituted, namely:-
“(a) credits to the account shall be only by way of:-
(i) proceeds of inward remittances received from outside India through normal banking channels; and
(ii) transfer of funds, from the rupee account of the diplomatic mission in India, which are collected in India as visa fees and credited to such account.

Source: Notification No.FEMA 193/2009-RB dated 2nd June, 2009

The Prevention of Money Laundering (Amendment) Act, 2009 [PMLA] has come into force with effect from 1st June 2009 & Master Circular – RBI/SEBI & Multi Level Marketing (MLM) firms

Download RBI Master Circular on Money Laundering / Know Your Customer (KYC).  This is in continuation of the same.

Preservation  Period of Records

The Prevention of Money Laundering (Amendment) Act, 2009 (No. 21 of 2009) has come into force with effect from June 01, 2009 as notified by the Government. In terms of Sub-Section 2(a) of Section 12 of The Prevention of Money Laundering (Amendment) Act, 2009 (PMLA, 2009), the records referred to in clause (a) of Sub-Section (1) of Section 12 shall be maintained for a period of ten years from the date of transaction between the clients and the banking company and in terms of Sub-Section 2(b) of Section 12 of the Act ibid, the records referred to in clause (c) of Sub-Section (1) of Section 12 shall be maintained for a period of ten years from the date of cessation of transaction between the clients and the banking company.

Accordingly, in modification of paragraph 2.16(iii) (a) of the above said master circular dated July 1, 2009, banks are advised to maintain for at least ten years from the date of transaction between the bank and the client, all necessary records of transactions referred to at Rule 3 of the Prevention of Money-Laundering (Maintenance of Records of the Nature and Value of Transactions, the Procedure and Manner of Maintaining and Time for Furnishing Information and Verification and Maintenance of Records of the Identity of the Clients of the Banking Companies, Financial Institutions and Intermediaries) Rules, 2005 (PMLA Rules), both domestic or international, which will permit reconstruction of individual transactions (including the amounts and types of currency involved, if any) so as to provide, if necessary, evidence for prosecution of persons involved in criminal activity.

However, records pertaining to the identification of the customer and his address (e.g. copies of documents like passports, identity cards, driving licenses, PAN card, utility bills etc.) obtained while opening the account and during the course of business relationship, as indicated in paragraph 2.16(iii)(b) of the above said master circular dated July 1, 2009, would continue to be preserved for at least ten years after the business relationship is ended as required under Rule 10 of the Rules ibid.

Accounts of Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs)

Detailed guidelines on Customer Due Diligence (CDD) measures to be made applicable to Politically Exposed Person (PEP) and their family members or close relatives are contained in paragraph 2.5(iv) of the master circular.  It is further advised  that in the event of an existing customer or the beneficial owner of an existing account,subsequently becoming a PEP, banks should obtain senior management approval to continue the business relationship and subject the account to the CDD measures as applicable to the customers of PEP category including enhanced monitoring on an ongoing basis.

Principal Officer

Banks have been advised in Para 2.15 of the master circular referred to above that banks should appoint a senior management officer to be designated as Principal Officer and the role and responsibilities of the Principal Officer have been detailed therein. With a view to enable the Principal Officer to discharge his responsibilities,  it is advised that that the Principal Officer and other appropriate staff should have timely access to customer identification data and other CDD information, transaction records and other relevant information. Further, banks should ensure that the Principal Officer is able to act independently and report directly to the senior management  or  to the Board of Directors.

Source: RBI/2009-10/152 DBOD. AML.BC. No.43 /14.01.001/2009-10 dated 11/09/2009

Further, in view of opening and conduct of the accounts of Multi Level Marketing (MLM) firms, we (RBI) advise that banks should be careful in opening accounts of the marketing/trading agencies etc. Especially, strict compliance with KYC and AML guidelines contained in circulars UBD.CO.BPD (PCB) No. 1/12.05.001/2008-09 dated July 02, 2008 and UBD.PCB. Cir. 30/09.161.00/2004-05 dated December 15, 2004 issued by RBI should be ensured in the matter.

In cases where accounts have already been opened in the names of the marketing agencies, retail traders, investment firms, the banks may undertake quick reviews. Wherever large number of cheque books has been issued to such firms, the relative decision may be reviewed in the light of the following:

  • Whether the cheque books have been issued to customers on the basis of their express request and after following the internal processes laid down in the matter.
  • Whether the number of cheque books is consistent with/matching the profile of the customers as also their nature of business operations.

Even where the volume of transactions/profile of the customers apparently justify the number of cheque books issued, special ongoing monitoring of the operations in the accounts of such types of firms should be made especially if large volumes of small cash deposits are being made in those accounts and withdrawals are being made there from, through cheques written for small amounts, either across the counters or through clearing. In respect of such account holders banks may, in specific cases, call for the data from the account holders on the number and aggregate amount of post dated cheques issued. The data/information so collected should be analysed in select cases to rule out the possibility of the firms being engaged in deposit taking activities. Certain indicative parameters for selecting accounts for further scrutiny and action are the bunching of dates of the post dated cheques, the uniformity in the amounts of cheques etc. These data should be analysed together with data on cash deposits of small amounts on previous distant dates resembling the deposit contracting/mobilizations dates in terms of similar bunching and uniformity of amounts.

Please acknowledge receipt. Also, unusual operations noticed during the above review may be immediately reported to us and other appropriate authorities, such as, Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU-IND), Department of Revenue, Ministry of Finance, Government of India, Hotel Samrat (6th Floor), Chanakyapuri, New Delhi - 110 021.

Source: RBI/2009-10/158 UBD. CO. BPD. PCB.Cir. No.9/12.05.001 / 2009-10 dated 16/09/2009

Friday, August 28, 2009

Understand New FTP 2009 – introduction of towns for export excellence,diamond bourses,EDI & more technology benefits apart from increase in duty scrips and extension of time limits

The New FTP Policy is released and shall come into force w.e.f. 27th August, 2009.  Kindly note, FTP is a Export Import (EXIM) policy published by Director General of Foreign Trade (DGFT)  under Ministry of Commerce under the powers of Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation) Act, 1992.  FTP is published for every 5 years.

Source : Foreign Trade Policy 2009-2014 & Foreign Trade Procedures 2009-2014 [Handbook of Procedures (Volume 1) & Appendices]

Erstwhile foreign trade policy (FTP) 2004-2009 had set two objectives, namely,

(i) to double our percentage share of global merchandize trade within 5 years and (ii) use trade expansion as an effective instrument of economic growth and employment generation.

Understand the basics of Policy from WTO - FTP - Understand this way ....


Understand the basic amendments,

  • To make the environment conducive for foreign trade and it was decided to continue with the DEPB Scheme upto December 2010 and income tax benefits.
  • Further under Section 10A for IT industry (STPI) and under Section 10B of Income Tax Act for 100% export oriented units for one additional year till 31st March 2011.
  • To encourage value addition in our manufactured exports and towards this end, have stipulated a minimum 15% value addition on imported inputs under advance authorization scheme.
  • The Government seeks to promote Brand India through 6 or more ‘Made in India’ shows to be organized across the world every year.
  • Technological upgradation of exports is sought to be achieved by promoting imports of capital goods for certain sectors under EPCG at 0% duty.  Additional Duty Credit Scrips shall be given to Status Holders @ 1% of the FOB value of past exports.  The duty credit scrips can be used for procurement of capital goods with Actual User condition.  This Scheme will be available for engineering & electronic products, basic chemicals & pharmaceuticals, apparels & textiles, plastics, handicrafts, chemicals & allied products and leather & leather products (subject to exclusions of current beneficiaries under Technological Upgradation Fund Schemes (TUFS), administered by Ministry of Textiles and beneficiaries of Status Holder Incentive Scheme in that particular year). The scheme shall be in operation till 31.3.2011.
  • For upgradation of export sector infrastructure, ‘Towns of Export Excellence’ and units located therein would be granted additional focused support and incentives.  For instance, Jaipur, Srinagar and Anantnag have been recognised as ‘Towns of Export Excellence’ for handicrafts; Kanpur, Dewas and Ambur have been recognised as ‘Towns of Export Excellence’ for leather products; and Malihabad
    for horticultural products.
  • To enable support to Indian industry and exporters, especially the Micro Small & Medium Enterprises, in availing their rights through trade remedy instruments under the WTO framework, we propose to set up a Directorate of Trade Remedy Measures.
  • In order to reduce the transaction cost and institutional bottlenecks, the e-trade project would be implemented in a time bound manner to bring all stake holders on a common platform.  Additional ports/locations would be enabled on the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) over the next few years.
  • To further EDI initiatives, Export Promotion Councils/Commodity Boards have been advised to issue RCMC through a web based online system. It is expected that issuance of RCMC would become EDI enabled before the end of 2009. 
  • An Inter-Ministerial Committee has been established to serve as a single window mechanism for resolution of trade related grievances.
  • In an endeavour to make India a diamond international trading hub, it is planned to establish “Diamond Bourse(s)”.

Understand more highlights from Highlights of Foreign Trade Policy

Monday, August 24, 2009

What next after CS exam results August 2009, register for Executive or Professional program & finish NIIT, TOP, ADP, SMTP from ICSI

The results of the CS Foundation Course, Intermediate and Final (Old Syllabus) and Foundation Programme, Intermediate/Executive Programme, and Professional Programme (New Syllabus) examinations of the Company Secretaries held in June, 2009 are scheduled to be declared at 12.00 Noon on 25th August, 2009 at and also try


Candidates registered upto and including the month of August in a year are eligible for appearing in both the groups of the Executive Programme or all 4 modules of Professional Programme examination held in June of next year. So, its mandatory for you to submit prescribed forms before 31st August 2009 to appear for all modules in December 2009.  There is one another new requirement in lieu of TOP, SMTP, etc…which is called Student Induction Programme (SIP), Executive Development Programme (EDP)  and Professional Development Programme (PDP) from 1st September 2009 0nwards, so make your enrolment fast.

Before visiting the nearest ICSI office, make sure you are ready with following things:

For Foundation passed:

  1. Get to know your subjects and classes schedules at
  2. Register for Computer Training with NIIT or produce your Certificates to write Exemption exam (Detailed FAQs) on or before February 2010
  3. Enjoy reading CS Executive Programme books from

For Executive passed:

  1. Click here to download & fill CS Professional Program Application - and arrange for fees as per Apply for Training Orientation Program (TOP) and find details from nearest ICSI - (its a mandatory pre-requisite to commence CS Training). TOP is a 5 full day program offered at ICSI and your training will commence only on completion of this program
  2. Then, start sending emails & applications of RESUME for CS Training to
    1. List of Company Secretaries in Practice Registered for Imparting Training
    2. Registered Companies for Training
  3. For 15-month CS Training related information, you can click
  4. Start looking out for Academic Development Programs (ADP) as its mandatory to attend for 25 hours or you have the option to register for National Convention of ICSI.
  5. Get to know your subjects and classes schedules at
  6. Enjoy reading CS Professional books (coming sooooon), keep watchin…

For Professional passed:

  1. Pending Training you are eligible for Licentiate Membership of ICSI - and you will get Chartered Secretary (Members magazine) free of cost.
  2. Complete your CS Training or Claim exemption from it following
  3. Complete RoC Training or Stock Exchange training, if applicable. Send e-mail to to get the sponsorship letter.
  4. Complete ADP's, if applicable & pending
  5. Then, apply for the esteemed membership of ICSI following,

Hope, I have not missed out anything. Of course, you can keep track of all updates, happenings and all about Company Secretaries by following and Get See Yes -> Yes, ACS delivered by email

New 6.42 disclosures for rights issue & ASBA also made applicable & utilisation of funds only after finalisation of allotment, SEBI DIP amended

SEBI/CFD/DIL/DIP/38/2009/08/20 dated August 20, 2009

Download Amended SEBI (DIP) Guidelines, 2000 till date

1. Applications Supported by Blocked Amount (ASBA) in rights issues:

It has now been decided to make ASBA applicable to all rights issues. ASBA will co-exist with the current process, wherein cheque/demand draft is used as a mode of payment. Since the web enabled interface of stock exchanges is now operational [have a look at NSE’s Workstation] for the purpose of acceptance of the rights issue applications, self certified syndicate banks shall upload the application data in to the aforesaid interface of stock exchanges.  Understand about ASBA from [SEBI-ASBA] Lets Learn the Concept.


  1. All applicants who desire to apply through ASBA should hold shares of the issuer company in a depository account.
  2. The applicants shall indicate either in (i) in Part A of the composite application form of rights issue or (ii) in the plain paper application, as to whether they desire to avail of the ASBA option.
  3. All other provisions shall apply mutatis mutandis (means, as like a Public Issue with such modification of the words as Rights issue).

2. Other Amendments numbered as A, B, C, D & E for reference

As you are aware that under clause 8.19 of the SEBI (DIP) Guidelines provides that in a rights issue, the issuer may utilise the issue proceeds collected after satisfying the designated stock exchange that minimum 90% subscription is received and also SEBI has reduced the time period taken for finalization of basis of allotment in the rights issues to 15 days from the date of closure of the issue.  In a public issue, in terms of section 73 of the Companies Act, 1956, the issuer company can access the issue proceeds only after allotment and listing is completed.  All the following Amendments shall be applicable for all rights issues where Draft letters of offer are filed or where Final Letter of Offer is yet to be filed with SEBI on or after the date of this circular.

A. In the clause 5.7.2: In the case of rights issues, lead merchant banker shall ensure that the abridged letters of offer ALONG WITH COMPOSITE APPLICATION are dispatched to all shareholders at least 3 days before the date of opening of the issue.

B. All the new clauses are using the word COMPOSITE application instead of STANDARD application as earlier (in case of rights issues).

C. In CHAPTER VI of the DIP Guidelines dealing with DISCLOSURES regarding rights issue, many amendments were made as below:


There are 3 types of disclosures,

  • 6.42 disclosures on satisfaction of certain conditions
  • Partly Section I and Partly 6.42 disclosures
  • Section I disclosures as like the existing provision

I. A listed issuer company making a rights issue shall make disclosures, as
specified in clause 6.42
, in the letter of offer, if it satisfies the 6.39 conditions as mentioned below:
(a) the issuer company has been filing periodic reports, statements and
information in compliance with the listing agreement for the last 3 years immediately preceding the date of filing of the letter of offer with the designated stock exchange or SEBI.
(b) the information referred to in sub-clause (a) above are available on the website of any recognised stock exchange with nationwide trading terminals or on a common e-filing platform specified by the SEBI.

(c) the issuer company has investor grievance-handling mechanism which includes meeting of the Shareholders’ or Investors’ Grievance Committee at frequent intervals, appropriate delegation of power by the board of directors of the issuer company as regards share transfer and clearly laid systems and procedures for timely and satisfactory redressal of investor grievances.

As per 6.43, every such listed company shall also make a copy of offer document available to the public in the manner specified in sub-clause (ii) of clause 5.6.2 and shall also make such document available as a material document for inspection.


Clause 6.40: If the listed issuer company does not satisfy the ABOVE conditions, it shall make disclosures in the letter of offer as specified in Section I and as specified in sub-clauses (d), (e) and (f) of clause of Section III.


Clause 6.41: Irrespective of whether the conditions specified in clause 6.39 are satisfied or not, the following listed issuer companies shall make disclosures, as specified in Section I, in the letter of offer:
(a) A listed issuer company whose management has undergone change pursuant to acquisition of control in accordance with the provisions of SEBI Takeover Code.
(b) An issuer company whose securities have been listed consequent to relaxation granted by the Board under sub-rule (7) of rule 19 of the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Rules, 1957 for listing of its securities pursuant to a scheme sanctioned by a High Court under sections 391 to 394 of the Companies Act, 1956.

D. In chapter VI, Section IV shall be substituted with the following section as under:-
SECTION IV - CONTENTS OF THE ABRIDGED LETTER OF OFFER: In that clauses 6.44, 6.45 and 6.46 are SUBSTITUTED with new clauses.

For clause 8.19.1, the following clause shall be substituted, namely:-
“The issuer company may utilise the funds collected in the rights issue only after the basis of allotment is finalized.”  Just remember, it is no more after minimum 90% subscription is received.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Same exit loads for all Mutual Fund (MF) holders irrespective of Subscription amounts, SEBI says

SEBI / IMD / CIR No. 6 /172445/ 2009 dated August 7, 2009 & SEBI / IMD / CIR No. 7 /173650 / 2009 dated August 17, 2009

It is observed that the mutual funds are making distinction between the unit
holders by charging differential exit loads based on the amount of subscription. In order to have parity among all classes of unit holders, it has now been decided that no distinction among unit holders should be made based on the amount of subscription while charging exit loads.

While complying with the aforesaid circular, it shall be ensured that:

  1. The principle laid down in the SEBI circular No. SEBI/IMD/CIR No. 5/126096/08 dated May 23, 2008 (clause 16 of the standard observations) that “any imposition or enhancement in the load shall be applicable on prospective investments only” shall be followed.
  2. The parity among all classes of unit holders in terms of charging exit load shall be made applicable at the portfolio level.

Further, you are aware that SEBI vide circular No. SEBI/IMD/CIR No. 5/126096/08 dated May 23, 2008 has simplified the formats for Offer Document and Key Information Memorandum of Mutual Funds Scheme [SEBI-Simplification of Offer Document and Key Information Memorandum of Mutual Funds Scheme]. The simplified Scheme Information Document format provides that “Wherever quantitative discounts are involved the following shall be disclosed – The Mutual Fund may charge the load within the stipulated limit of 7% and without any discrimination to any specific group of unit holders. However, any change at a later stage shall not affect the existing unit holders adversely”.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Saturday Sunday Crash Classes for CS, CA & CWA on Law, FM, Tax & Costing at Learnlabz, enjoy passing

LEARN LABZ – Xperiment, Xcel!

(SPECALISING in Law, FM, Tax, Costing for

 CS, CA & CWA)


Crash Batches on Saturdays & Sundays of September & October 2009


1. “Company Secretary”Crash Batch from 15th September 2009 [Click here for Timetable - Executive & Professional]

2. “Chartered Accountant”- Crash Batch from 10th September 2009 [Click here for Timetable]

3. “Cost & Works Accountant” - Crash Batch from 5th September 2009 [Click here for Timetable]



ü       Faculties include CA Giridharan, CWA CS Baskaran & CS A.N.S. Vijay

ü       Subjects covered include LAW, FM, TAXES, COSTING

ü       Fees Rs.1000/- per subject

ü       Registrations closes on 5th September 2009, Limited Seats


“Company Secretary” – Daily Batch for All subjects from 15th August 2009

For Batch details &


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Registration venue - Learn Labz @

No.128 Veera Perumal Koil Street
, Mylapore, Chennai.

Classes conducted at – MSN Business Centre, Nungambakkam (Near Ayappan Temple)     


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SEBI IPEF Aid for Legal Proceedings are issued as guidelines 2009 to enable reimbursement of 75% of expenses incurred by Investor Associations

As you are aware that SEBI has notified Securities and Exchange Board of India (Investor Protection and Education Fund) Regulations, 2009 (SEBI IEPF notified to protect investors with 14 regulations, 2009, which also amends forfeiture)

Regulation 5(1)(d) of SEBI IPEF Regulations, 2009 states that “aiding investors’ associations recognized by SEBI to undertake legal proceedings in the interest of investors in securities that are listed or proposed to be listed”.  To enable the aid, SEBI has now provided Securities and Exchange Board of India (Aid for Legal Proceedings) Guidelines, 2009.

1. The aid is for the ‘Legal proceedings’ (as defined in Reg 2(1)(g) of SEBI IPEF Regulation which) MEANS any proceedings before a court or tribunal where 1000 (one thousand) or more investors are affected or likely to be affected by:- (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v) & (vi) such other market misconduct which in the opinion of the Board may be deemed appropriate;
BUT DOES NOT INCLUDE any proceeding where the Board is a party or where SEBI has initiated any enforcement action.

2. The legal aid covers the ‘Expenses’ as defined u/3(1)(a) of this Legal Aid Guidelines as ‘expenses’ means the expenses incurred with respect to any or all of the following in connection with a legal proceedings:-
i. court fees, process fees and other fees/charges payable in the courts as per law;
ii. the bills of solicitors, advocates and senior advocates for professional services rendered by them ;
iii. the clerkage and other miscellaneous expenses charged by the counsels, senior counsels and solicitors, as applicable.

3. Any Investors’ Association may make an application with details as given under Guideline 4(3) to SEBI seeking aid for undertaking legal proceedings.  Kindly note, the application and SEBI approval to be sought at every stage of the proceeding before every Court.

4. In case legal proceedings relates to mis-statement, misrepresentation or
omission in connection with the issue, sale or purchase of securities, the
application shall establish that: the investors relied upon such mis-statement, misrepresentation or omission and such statements caused monetary loss to the investors.

5. The aid for the legal proceedings shall be granted at the discretion of the
SEBI if it is prima facie satisfied that the aid is in the best interest of the investors.  SEBI shall issue a letter conveying grant of aid for a particular legal proceedings.

6. Payments: The aid for a particular legal proceedings shall be

  • UPTO Rs. 20 lakh if it is before the Supreme Court of India and
  • UPTO Rs. 10 lakh before any other forum.

7. The bills submitted shall be certified by the Auditor of the Investors’
Association and UPTO 75% of the expenses actually incurred shall be
reimbursed WITHIN 15 days of the receipt of claims.

8. The Investor Association shall submit a periodical report of the legal proceedings to SEBI and on conclusion of proceedings, a detailed report statement to be submitted with a self-certified statement on the utilization of aid by it.

Friday, August 7, 2009

SEBI ASBA commission clarification that it shall be treated at par with other applications

SEBI/CFD/DIL/MB/IS/5/2009/05/08 dated 5th August, 2009

ASBA – Application Supported by Block Amount

It is, hereby, clarified that for the purpose of payment of commission,
both type of applications i.e. whether uploaded by Syndicate Members
(Non–ASBA) or by SCSBs (ASBA), shall be treated on par and the
commission shall be paid accordingly to Syndicate Members or SCSBs,
as the case may be.

Know all about ASBA from [SEBI-ASBA] Lets Learn the Concept

Takeover Code acquisition UPTO 5% through Open Market of Buy back, when holding is 55% – 75% - SEBI Clarification

CFD/DCR/TO/Cir-01/2009/06/08 dated 6th August 2009

  • Acquisition in excess of 5% in a financial year by persons holding between 15% and 55%
    • UPTO 5% in a financial year could be acquired without an open offer (called creeping acquisition).  Thus, this limit gets renewed every financial year.
  • Acquisition in excess of 5% by persons holding between 55% and 75%,
    • UPTO 5% could be acquired (without open offer) only through open market purchase or buy back by company and not through any other mode.  But this is a ONE-time limit till one reaches 5% when holding is between the prescribed limits.
    • Kindly note that, this 75% shall NOT be extended to 90%, irrespective of minimum public shareholding is 25% or 10%

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Applicability of certification under consortium lending & multiple banking arrangements for 5 crores by CS / CA / CWA for banks – RBI circular

All the banks may seek a declaration from their existing borrowers availing sanctioned limits of Rs.5.00 crore and above or wherever, it is in their knowledge that their borrowers are availing credit facilities from other banks, and introduce a system of exchange of information with other banks and obtain regular certification by a professional, preferably a practising Company Secretary or Chartered Accountant or Cost Accountant, regarding compliance of various statutory prescriptions.

Now, the applicability of the Certification for lending is extended.  Thus, it is now made mandatory (applicable) for

  • All Scheduled Commercial Banks (excluding RRBs and LABs)

  • Select  All-India Term-lending and Refinancing Institutions
    (Exim Bank, NABARD, NHB and SIDBI)

The list of all RBI circulars regarding Lending under Consortium Arrangements/Multiple Banking Arrangements till date:

CS Updatin...

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