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Showing posts with label CS Professional Program Classes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CS Professional Program Classes. Show all posts

Friday, September 14, 2012

OnlyThisMuch CompanySecretary Book (CS e-learning) Videos for CS Professional Programme Exams on Youtube to help on how-to study for Corporate law, Drafting, Financial Managment, Tax Laws, Due Diligence & Corporate Governance

OnlyThisMuch e-learning series has come out with set of videos for Company Secretary Professional Program exams on the following subjects:

  1. Company Secretarial Practice (CSP of Module 1 of CS PP)
  2. Drafting, Appearances & Pleadings (DAP of Module 1 of CS PP)
  3. Financial, Treasury & Forex Management (FTFM of Module 2 of CS PP)
  4. Advanced Tax Laws & Practice (ATLP of Module 3 of CS PP)
  5. Due Diligence & Corporate Compliance Management (DDCCM of Module 4 of CS PP)
  6. Corporate Governance, Business Ethics & Sustainability (CGBES of Module 4 of CS PP)

These videos can help CS students to complement with reading of Company Secretary books/reference books including OTM during their preparations.  Try listening to the videos again & again in any of your devices.  It helps to get your confidence back on these subjects.  How to pass CS Exams is answered by what to study for CS exams in these videos.

Credit goes to Mr.Tharun Raj for videos on FTFM & ATLP.  Other videos are by Mr.A.N.S. Vijay.

Whatever best Company Secretary books you choose to read, these videos will aid you to better your preparation.  These videos can be used for select portions of Company Secretary Executive Programme on Company law, Securities Laws & Compliances and also for relevant portions of CA & CWA exams for Corporate & Allied laws.


Do share the videos & give feedback to

The link of the videos are as below:

Company Secretarial Practice (CSP of Module 1 of CS PP)

Drafting, Appearances & Pleadings (DAP of Module 1 of CS PP)

Financial, Treasury & Forex Management (FTFM of Module 2 of CS PP)

Advanced Tax Laws & Practice (ATLP of Module 3 of CS PP)

Due Diligence & Corporate Compliance Management (DDCCM of Module 4 of CS PP)

Corporate Governance, Business Ethics & Sustainability (CGBES of Module 4 of CS PP)

Enjoy Passing… Company Secretary Exams

For all videos, click

For details of OnlyThisMuch books, bookstores, etc… visit,

OnlyThisMuch books for CS Professional Program exams for ALL 8 subjects in 4 Modules: Financial Management, Tax laws, Company Secretarial Practice, Drafting, Corporate Restructuring, Strategic Management, Due Diligence & Corporate Governance; Find list of bookstores & online site links to buy OTM for Company Secretary exams

Monday, May 28, 2012

Learnlabz Company Secretary Class Schedule for December 2012 CS exams of ICSI for all subjects & all levels to enjoy passing, announces Free Trial sessions also

Learnlabz conducts ALL subjects for ALL levels of CS Foundation, Executive & Professional Programme classes to enjoy passing Company Secretary December 2012 exams to be held from December 26, 2012.  The students can try by attending first session of the classes free of cost and OTM books are also provided.  The details can also be downloaded from

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