Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) used to be published once in 5 years, with amendments on yearly basis or as & when basis. From April 2023, the Director General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) under the Ministry of Commerce & Industry (MCI) using the powers given under the Foreign Trade (Development and Regulation) Act, 1992 (FTDR) has decided to bring FTP 2023, which can be updated as & when required.
FTP governs what can come into India (imports) and what can go out of India (exports). The recently contemplated laptop import ban will be regulated under FTP. With your study for Company Secretary Executive Program, you will start understanding the laws applicable for every news item you see in the media.
As this amendment of FTP 2023 came 6 months before December 2023 CS exams, by replacing FTP 2014-2019, as amended, as given in ICSI Study Material, this becomes applicable for the Paper on Economic, Commercial and Intellectual Property Laws (ECIPL) under CS Executive New Syllabus or Economic, Business and Commercial Laws (EBCL) under CS Executive Old Syllabus.
A concise study material on FTP 2023 (from exam point of view), which will help you to score upto 10 marks in Company Secretary Executive Exams for December 2023, will be provided for free for CS webinar attendees at 7pm on 2/9/23 (Saturday) at