OnlyThisMuch book series has released most crucial Updates/ Amendments 2012 for June exam onwards under all laws applicable for Company Secretary exams [CS Executive Programme & Professional Program]. The same can be read from:
(Better when downloaded). It covers the following laws:
Company Law/ Company Secretarial Practice/ Corporate Restructuring 1. Amendments in MCA-21 & Filing aspects 2. Amendments in Clauses of Memorandum Of Association 3. Amendments in Unlisted Public Companies PREFERENTIAL ALLOTMENT Rules u/s. 81(1A) 4. Amendments in General Meetings & Board Meetings related 5. Amendments in Managerial Remuneration under Schedule XIII 6. Amendments in Related Party Transactions under Sections 295, 297 & 314 of Companies Act, 1956 7. Amendments in Merger of Government Companies u/s. 396 8. DEFUNCT COMPANIES & FAST TRACK EXIT SCHEME 9. Form & Contents of Annual Accounts under Revised Schedule VI
CRUCIAL DOWNLOADS FOR LAST MINUTE READING BEFORE CS EXAMS:For Direct & Indirect Tax Laws Amendments, download & print the ICSI Supplement from this link [this is applicable for CS Executive & Professional Program exams
Click here for Financial Management Theory Glance through MCA Guidelines on Governance | Securities Law/ Due Diligence 1. Amendments in SEBI ICDR Regulations, 2009 2. Amendments in Equity Listing Agreement 3. Public Issue by SME’s & SME Equity Listing Agreement (most predicted question for this exam) 4. Debt market issues & Securitised Debt Listing Agreement 5. Revised Insider Trading Disclosures 6. New Takeover Code, 2011 |
Corporate Governance/ Securities Law 1. New Voluntary Governance Codes in India (including MCA’s Corporate Governance & CSR Code, Secretarial Audit, ICSI’s recommendations) 2. New Governance Codes abroad (including UK Corporate Governance & Stewardship Codes) 3. Other Amendments – Internal Control, Credo & Green Tribunal
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Other Laws for CS Exams: 1. Amendments in FEMA & CONSOLIDATED Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) POLICY, 2012 [for Drafting & Alliances in Professional Program, Economic Laws in Executive Program] 2. FOREIGN CONTRIBUTION (REGULATION) ACT, 2010 & RULES 2011 [FCRA] replacing Old Act [for Economic Laws in Executive Program & has Compounding provisions as relevant for Drafting] 3. Competition Act, 2002 & Mergers, Amalgamations, Acquisitions & Takeovers (MAAT) [for Drafting & Corporate Restructuring in Professional Program & Economics Laws in Executive Program] 4. Legal Metrology Act, 2009 replacing Standard Weights & Measures Act [for Eocnomic Laws in Executive Program] | |