
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Money deposit schemes are illegal, RBI cautions public about Unincorporated bodies

RBI cautions public : Not to deposit money in unincorporated bodies

It has come to the notice of the Reserve Bank of India that some individuals/firms/unincorporated association of individuals (unincorporated bodies) have been collecting deposits from the public by making tall promises of high returns. Some of them are stated to have vanished without repaying deposits. Under Section 45-S(1) of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934, unincorporated bodies that are carrying on the business of a financial institution or NBFC or whose principal business is that of receiving deposits are prohibited from accepting deposits from the public. Members of public are hereby cautioned not to deposit money with such unincorporated bodies. Persons depositing money with such unincorporated bodies would be doing so at their own risk.

Press Release: 2009-2010/1315

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