
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

New Infrastructure sector definition for ECB to include Cold storage at agricultural & allied levels

Why all this?

As announced in para 54 of the Union Budget for the Year 2010-11, it has been decided to expand the definition of infrastructure sector for the purposes of External Commercial Borrowings (ECB).

New Definition of “Infrastructure Sector”

The infrastructure sector would henceforth be defined to include (i) power, (ii) telecommunication, (iii) railways, (iv) road including bridges, (v) sea port and airport, (vi) industrial parks, (vii) urban infrastructure (water supply, sanitation and sewage projects), (viii) mining, exploration and refining and (ix) cold storage or cold room facility, including for farm level pre-cooling, for preservation or storage of agricultural and allied produce, marine products and meat.

Old Definition of “Infrastructure Sector”

As per the extant ECB policy, infrastructure sector is defined as (i) power, (ii) telecommunication, (iii) railways, (iv) road including bridges, (v) sea port and airport, (vi) industrial parks, (vii) urban infrastructure (water supply, sanitation and sewage projects) and (viii) mining, exploration and refining.

Source: A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.38 dated 2nd March 2010

To know all about ECB, visit

1 comment:

  1. Nice informative blogging here which is really good to make us update for new infrastructure sector.
