
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Debt Listing Agreement amendment & clarification requires Equity Listing Agreement compliance unless excluded by Debt Securities Regulations 2008

SEBI has introduced Simplified Debt Listing Agreement that prescribed norms for issue of public or privately placed debt securities and listing of such securities on the exchange and has also issued Clarification on applicability of SEBI Regulations/ Circulars on Initial and Continuous Disclosures for Convertible and Non-Convertible Debt.

Since Part-A of the Listing Agreement for debt is applicable for debt issuers with already listed equity, it is clarified that the covenants in the Equity Listing Agreement that require submission of a draft offer document to SEBI for observations or obtaining of an acknowledgement card are not applicable in case of an issue of debt securities which is made in terms of the SEBI (Issue and Listing of Debt Securities) Regulations, 2008.

Now, SEBI vide SEBI/IMD/DOF-1/BOND/Cir-5/2009 dated 26th November, 2009 has amended the following in the Debt Listing Agreement:

(a). 100% Asset Cover: To align the Listing Agreement with the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956, the amended Listing Agreement requires issuers to maintain 100% asset cover sufficient to discharge the principal amount at all times for the debt securities issued. Further, to provide more information to investors, the periodic disclosures to the stock exchange shall now require disclosure of the extent and nature of security created and maintained.

(b). Submission of certificate on maintenance of security: As against half-yearly certifications on security cover in respect of listed secured debt securities, the amended Listing Agreement provides for submission of such certificates regarding maintenance of 100% asset cover, and the time limit of submission in respect of the last half year has been aligned with the option provided for submission of annual audited results at a later date. In addition to Banks and NBFCs being exempt from submitting such certificates, issuers of Government guaranteed bonds shall also be exempt.

(c). Statement on Use of Issue Proceeds: In order to enhance the quality of disclosures made to investors, issuers shall be required to furnish a statement of deviations in use of issue proceeds, if any, to the stock exchange on a half yearly basis. Also, the same is required to be published in the newspapers simultaneously with the half-yearly financial results.

(d). Deposit of 1% of issue proceeds: So as to ensure that the interest of investors investing in public issues of debt securities is protected, the issuer shall be required to deposit an amount calculated at 1% of the amount of debt
securities offered for subscription to the public. It is refundable or forfeitable in the manner stated in the Rules, Bye-laws and Regulations of the Exchange.

(e). Submission/ publication of Financial Statements: The time-lines for disclosure of financial statements have been aligned with the proposed changes to the Equity Listing Agreement. Accordingly, issuers would now have to publish/furnish to the Exchange, either audited half yearly financial statements or unaudited half yearly financial statements subject to a limited review within 45 days from the end of the half year. In case of the last half year, issuers may opt to submit their annual audited results in lieu of the unaudited financial results for the period, within 60 days from the end of the financial year.

Click here for detailed amendments in Part A & Part B of Debt Listing Agreement

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