
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

More disclosures in ADR/GDR & double 5% creeping acquisition benefit is the amended Takeover Code – Understand here…

SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares & Takeovers - SAST) Regulations, 1997 [Takeover Code] as amended by SEBI (SAST)
(Third Amendment) Regulations, 2009

vide F.No.LAD-NRO/GN/2009-10/20/182131 dated 6/11/2009

In regulation 3, for sub-regulation (2), the following sub-regulation shall be substituted, namely: -
“(2) Nothing contained in regulation 10, regulation 11 and regulation 12 of these regulations shall apply to the acquisition of Global Depository Receipts or American Depository Receipts unless the holders thereof, -
(a) become entitled to exercise voting rights, in any manner whatsoever, on the underlying shares; or
(b) exchange such Depository Receipts with the underlying shares carrying voting rights.”

(ie) Erstwhile there was exemption from Chapter III as such but now it is Regulation 10, 11 & 12, further one more exception from the availability of exemption under regulation 3(2) has been included which provides that the no exemption from the applicability of regulation 10, 11 and 12 of SEBI Takeover Regulations would be available on the acquisition of ADRs or GDRs where the holder is entitled to exercise voting rights on the underlying shares.

In regulation 7, in sub-regulation (1A), after the word and figure “regulation 11” and before the mark and words “, shall disclose purchase”, the words and figure “or under second proviso to sub-regulation (2) of regulation 11” shall be inserted;

(ie) Acquirer who has acquired the shares in terms of the newly inserted proviso to regulation 11(2) is also required to give the disclosure under regulation 7(1A) of SEBI Takeover Code.

In regulation 11,-
in sub-regulation (1), after the words and figure “of the voting rights,”
and before the words “in any financial year”, the words and mark “with post acquisition shareholding or voting rights not exceeding fifty five per cent.,” shall be inserted;
(ie) the acquirer is allowed to increase his shareholding by creeping acquisition to the level of 55% and not beyond it.

In regulation 11, -

(a) in sub regulation (2), (A) after the words “either by himself or through” and before the words “persons acting in concert”, the words “or with” shall be inserted;
(b) in second proviso, after the words, “such acquirer may,” and before the words “without making a public announcement”, the words “notwithstanding the acquisition made under regulation 10 or sub-regulation (1) of regulation 11,” shall be inserted;

(ie) Acquirer can enjoy 5% creeping acquisition under Regulation 10 & 11(1) [when he is between 15% & 55%] and again the new 5% when he is between 55% & 75% in the same financial year.

In regulation 14,-
(a) in sub-regulation (2), the mark “.” occurring at the end shall be
substituted with the mark “:”;
(b) after sub-regulation (2), the following proviso shall be inserted,
“Provided that in case of American Depository Receipts or Global Depository Receipts entitling the holder thereof to exercise voting rights in excess of percentage specified in regulation 10 or regulation 11, on the shares underlying such depository receipts, public announcement shall be made within four working days of acquisition of such depository receipts.”

(ie) Entitlement to exercise the voting rights on the underlying shares of ADR/GDR in excess of percentage specified in regulation 10 or regulation 11 shall also be disclosed within 4 working days in addition to erstwhile conversion of ADR/GDR only.

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