
Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Violation of ECB provisions mandates RBI approval route, instead of automatic route & SEZ can avail for devlopment now

Attention of Authorized Dealer Category - I (AD Category - I) banks is invited to the A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 46 dated January 2, 2009 relating to External Commercial Borrowings (ECB).

On a review, it has been decided to modify some aspects of the ECB policy vide RBI/2008-09/517 A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.71 dated 30th June 2009 as indicated below:

(i) ECB for Integrated Township
As per the extant policy, corporates, engaged in the development of integrated township, as defined in Press Note 3 (2002 Series) dated January 04, 2002, issued by DIPP, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India are permitted to avail of ECB, under the Approval route, until June 2009 [which is extended to 31st December 2009], still under RBI approval route.

(ii) ECB for NBFC sector
As per the current ECB norms, Non-Banking Finance Companies (NBFCs), which are exclusively involved in financing of the infrastructure sector, are permitted to avail of ECBs from multilateral / regional financial institutions and Government owned development financial institutions for on-lending to the borrowers in the infrastructure sector under the Approval route, subject, inter-alia, to the condition that the direct lending portfolio of these lenders vis-à-vis their total ECB lending to NBFCs, at any point of time, should not be less than 3:1 [the ratio is dispensed from 1st July 2009], still under RBI approval route.

(iii) ECB for Development of Special Economic Zone
As per the extant guidelines, ECB is permissible for the Infrastructure sector, which is defined as (i) power, (ii) telecommunication, (iii) railways, (iv) road including bridges, (v) sea port and airport, (vi) industrial parks, (vii) urban infrastructure (water supply, sanitation and sewage projects) and (viii) mining, refining and exploration. Further, units in the Special Economic Zone (SEZ) are also permitted to access ECBs for their own requirements. However, ECB is not permissible for the development of SEZ. It has now been decided to allow SEZ developers also to avail of ECB under the Approval route for providing infrastructure facilities, as defined in the ECB policy, within the SEZ. However, ECB shall not be permissible for development of integrated township and commercial real estate within the SEZ.

(iv) Corporates under Investigation
Currently, the ECB policy is not explicit about accessing of ECB by the corporates, which have violated the extant ECB policy and are under investigation by the Reserve Bank and / or Directorate of Enforcement. It is clarified that corporates, which have violated the extant ECB policy and are under investigation by Reserve Bank and / or by Directorate of Enforcement, will not be allowed to access the Automatic route for ECB. Any request by such corporates for ECB will be examined under the Approval route.

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